Wednesday, October 7, 2009

At The End of The Hall

I wondered if anyone noticed her. And if anyone did notice, would they care enough just to stop? There she lingered outside the hospital room trying not to loose herself, her composure. It seemed as though she was hanging on to every ounce of her sanity that she could muster. Brave, determined, but at the same time....defeated.

My task at hand was to make it to the mailbox and back to my office to finish up my work for the day. There are always days like this on this floor. Death, tears, pain, live on this floor.

As I moved closer to her, I could see she was crying. Her eyes were puffy and pink and drained. "Can I give you a hug?" I asked reaching out to her at the same time. All she could do was shake her head. I grabbed this sister in my arms and loved on her. As we stood in the hall, people continued to go by us without thinking twice. She told me her husband was dying. She told me he wasn't going to make it much longer. She took my hand as we walked into her husband's room. There he lay, struggling for every breath, unaware that anyone was there. "Can we pray?", I asked her.

After we prayed I left their room, with peace. I learned later that day, as I was leaving to go home, her husband passed away shortly after me, her, and her daughter stood in his room and prayed. It was an honor to stand in prayer with this family. Sometimes we are called to just listen, to give a hug when needed, or to stand in be Jesus to others. We are the body of Christ.

Where one or two are gathered in your name, there you are in the midst. Lord, continue to show us opportunities to be more like Christ..reaching out in love to do your will Father. As we go through life continue to mold us and shape us to be imitators of You as dear children.


Amy Gudger said...

I can't type vette, i'm really crying too hard. I will call you tomorrow @ work, this touched me so much. You are such a good influence in my life and I just thank GOD for you !!!!! I love you sis !!!!!

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

I know you didn't do this for self recognition, but you do know that she is going to always remember you for this.


Evette said...

Amy, I just love you. Sister, you are such a blessing to me. You always have words of encouragement. You inspire me.

Larie, I do hope that one day she and her daughter will look back and say, even in the midst of our pain there Jesus was. Your blog is such a blessing, also