Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 woman can be somewhat intimidating . For many she's something that can never be obtained....an eluding ghost that we read in the pages of God's word. Just the description of such a woman invokes envy and a desire to be like the woman who is beautifully pictured in words. There are thousands of Proverbs 31 woman walking this earth now. She is the woman who has sacrificed her wants, and needs so that others may have. She is strong, wise, tender, and loving to her family and others. She gives without expecting anything in return. Her hands have cradled, feed, wiped the tears, consoled the hurting, and given words of wisdom to live by, and loves the Lord with all her heart, and mind.

Yes I've met plenty of proverbs 31 women. So to you all.....I RISE UP AND CALL YOU BLESSED!

1 comment:

kristina said...

Oh how funny! I just wrote post on this, i love yours and how sweet it is...sometimes i post long posts of random thoughts that probably only make sense to me, oh well...i just love how you worded this!