Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wonder Woman Syndrome

Wonder Woman was one of the first shows that captivated me as a child. I especially loved the part where she twirled around and adorned an outfit complete with a golden lasso on her side. Heck, this woman even had the invisible plane. Let's not forget super human strength. Yep, she was the epitome for women. She had the ability to save the world in one day and never even break a sweat.

Women have abilities to multi-task, something my husband can't do. I can, with a single twirl, turn into Wonder Woman. I can lasso my kids, when needed, in one rope all while cleaning, cooking, and taking care of what needs to be taken care of. At one time I was going to school full time, working full-time, wife to my husband, and taking care of 4 children. It seemed that I had the strength to take on the world. I was a woman on a mission. Thank God school ended and I quite my job, to again stay-at-home with my children.

Even then I reveled in my ability to do it all. It became a prideful thing. And we all know what happens to the prideful, God is always able to humble and bring insight. And I have found out that the longer you walk life's Journey with Christ, lessons are taught. Just like the lesson I learned this past week, and one that I am still meditating on.

When you think that you've got it all together and you can ultimately handle anything, something comes along and it shatters everything. The other day my life was filled will little irritating things. I ended up full of anger, frustration, and the feeling that I am unappreciated. That's when I felt the pressure of Wonder Woman! While frustrated and feeling the weight of being Wonder Woman, God brought a verse to mind to mediate on.

Psalm 68:19 (NKJV) "Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our Salvation!"

Now I am asking, why am I not feeling those benefits to make it through the day? What are those benefits? After discussing this with my beloved sister-in-law, Rebekah, I know what part of my problem is. I have the Wonder Woman Syndrome. I can do it all, the world says that I can do it all; however, God says you can't do it without me! I'm sure that I am not alone and this syndrome is wide spread. It is God that gives me what I need on a daily basis. Problem is I wasn't letting Him. While I'm confident that there are those who will disagree with me and maybe suggest that I've set the women's movement back about 100 years, I know different. I know that doing it all with human strength leads to pride, frustration, anger, and possibly a nervous breakdown. I'm still meditating on the word of God and allowing Him to speak to my heart, show me what those daily benefits are, and show me what's preventing. I've traded in Wonder Woman, and her golden lasso!


Rebekah said...

I'm still pondering on what God means by "daily benefits". We'll have to talk about that....I want to be aware of and experience those benefits daily. I have a feeling that when I don't, it is all my fault, and I'm not resting and abiding in Him.
Great post!

Evette said...

Rebekah, how right you are. After discussing this subject somewhat with you today, I came home still pondering this. And God brought to mind the Wonder Woman Syndrome! This is just the tip of the ice berg, so to speak. I know that He will show us what those daily benefits are, daily! Thanks for being there while I poured out my heart today!

Anonymous said...

This is great reminder for it is a trap that I fall into often - somehow thinking that I need to ultimately handle everything.
On a side note, I love Wonder Woman. In elementary school I had a friend whose mom looked like Lynda Carter. When I first met her I remember my mouth dropped open and I whispered, " Wonder Woman!" It was pretty funny, now thinking back on it...

Evette said...

Kristine such a welcome surprise! Charge anything to my head and not my heart, dear friend. Everytime I planned to call you back something always happened. Now that I'm not in school and working everyday anymore life is less chaotic, not including the children. On a lighter note, did you ever ask your friends mom for her autograph?

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