Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Worship

I made a promise to myself long ago. We'll not so much a promise, but a statement to self. And each time I would try to enact it, something would happen and I'd get side tracked. But now things are different for me. Today, I finally put in motion what I've been gearing to do for some time now. It's a simple index card, but what I place on it has the power to transform my heart, my mind, and bring me closer to my Father, and my Saviour. This week I'm Praying

Psalm 139:23-24

"Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

I felt that it was only fitting that I made this my first of many moments with God. I want so much for all the junk that I've accumulated, hoarded in my life to be gone as quickly as possible. How can you move forward in any relationship without knowing the areas in your life that need the most attention. Those who worship the Father, must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Some times the hardest thing in life, is looking at yourself and seeing the ugliest of things and crying out at the feet of Jesus and washing His feet with our tears, hurt and having him take away anything that is not pleasing to Him. It is a painful, but beautiful process.

We're all guilty of cheapening our worship, and our praise to just one moment one day of the week. I'll be the first to admit it. Doesn't our Father deserve so much more than lip service, simple gestures done because that's what we do? We are our Father's passion. I want him to be mine.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Moving Forward

It's been a while since my last blog post. Truth is life has moved at such lightning speed I've not really had the time, or for that matter, the required energy. But here I am finally putting pen to paper..well fingers to the keyboard. After my last post I received some great encouraging, uplifting words from many of you. And then there are those who believe that we've completely abandoned "the church" when in reality we've just left a building. To say that its been quite the journey is an understatement. Some have called us bitter and nicely stated they'd be praying for us. I was even de-twittered by one individual. As of late I've noticed that individuals I once called friend no longer see me as one. Though they've not de-friended or de-twittered me, silence says it all. There are no invites to hang at anyone's home, or just hang out anymore, though we do get the occasional "we miss you". At times I feel like a leper cast out from among the sheep. However, I harbor no ill will or wish anyone harm. There before me lies an open road, and the Lord is leading and I will follow where ever he leads me. Currently I'm stripping away a lot of junk. Junk that I never thought of as junk. But as I devote myself to doing things his way and allowing Jesus to lead, I'm loosing myself---the old self. No longer spectator but participant.